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Overcoming Panic and Anxiety
Unit 1: Heroes Journey & Avoidance
Let's begin
Heroes Journey (15:40)
Safety Behaviors
Tips to help you identify your safety behaviors (2:23)
Explanation for why you should STOP listening to your gut. (6:42)
Real world rejection therapy challenges
4 common mistakes anxious people make (6:39)
Unit 2: Nervous System 101
A deep dive into what's going on beneath the surface (18:05)
4 min breath training designed to relax the nervous system (4:00)
Take a look at this short list of medical causes for anxiety
Thank you!
Unit 3: Releasing Core Emotions
Releasing Core Emotions session (19:47)
Sitting in the Pocket (17:33)
What is my anxiety telling me? Journal activity
(Printable) What is my anxiety telling me?
Unit 4: Mastering Fear and Panic
Mastering the Dragon (Panic Attacks) (18:11)
Real Life Panic Attack Vinettes
ABC's for Panic Attacks (3:35)
Activation Required (4:33)
Unit 5: Identity
Comfortable in your own skin (24:02)
Core Values
Identity Statement Samples
Identity Video Part 2. Important! (11:42)
Thank you!
Unit 6: Boundaries
Poor Boundaries- the breeding ground for anxiety (24:00)
Who should I give my time to? (2:38)
Spend your units of energy wisely (1:11)
Journal exercises-boundaries
Thank you!
A deep dive into what's going on beneath the surface
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